Learning from 2022 and beyond

Hammad Anwar
5 min readDec 31, 2022
Gabala | Azerbaijan

Before starting this piece, I went back to read the one from the last year — to evaluate how this year went. The so-called theme for the previous year`s rant/letter was kindness and I would like to think that I tried to follow it this year as well because this isn't something one-off rather it should be a way of spending your time here on earth. For the next year, I would like to choose communication as my motto that I aim to adopt and preach in a better way.

Communication with oneself is as important as communication with others. A thing that I have observed around me is that we need to change the way we listen and respond. Very often when we start listening to someone we immediately shift to formulating a reply than letting them complete their statement. We even start cutting them short with a joke or sarcastic remark or comment rather than letting them finish. I believe listening itself is an art. There is indeed a proper way to listen. Let them complete their statement, think about what you have to contribute, and most importantly always think twice about whatever you are going to say. Is it going to be something that might undermine everything they just said?

Of course, nobody is an expert on everything and when someone is sharing their experiences or opinions they are coming from a place of some knowledge or information. It is totally possible that they are wrong or misinformed but then again there are ways to contribute to or correct them. Immediately negating their entire point or opinion shows that you are not ready to listen to them and are simply mocking them. We all have been culprits of this one way or the other and I think it's about time that we pay a little less attention to what we have to say and more to listening and understanding where the other person is coming from.

Baku | Azerbaijan

I was talking to a colleague and the conversation turned into how was this year for us. I thought about it and the first thought that came to my mind was that it was a good year. In all the chaos and uncertainties in this world, I got to spend another year with my loved ones including family and friends. We have lost some wonderful people to the pandemic (and death in general) in the last two years so every day I am trying to appreciate what I have — let it be the company of loved ones, health, or any other blessings. We don't need to look hard to find the struggling people around us. I understand struggles are part of everyone`s life but one way to look at is that claim the victim mentality while the other is to understand your struggles while also counting blessings. It's not always humanly possible but yes, one can aim to do that. We all have been part of this and being cynical as I am, it's very often that I tend to comment or approach things from a negative side but the aim is to be less like that and be more conscious and grateful for what we have and of course play your part in making it easy for others. As I read somewhere today “Never let the quest for MORE distract from the beauty of ENOUGH. Pursue growth, but never forget the beauty in simplicity.”

Gabala | Azerbaijan

Another thing I would want to advise everyone would be that don`t lose their individuality. Yes, we are social animals and we have certain roles to play. Yes, with time those role change and so does priority order. Yes, it becomes harder to manage all but if you want to succeed in any of these roles, you have to stay true to yourself. By that what I mean is that find a hobby, some activity, something that is only for you. That only involves you and helps you to be the best version of yourself. It could be exercise, eating, cooking, painting, writing, or dancing literally anything but it should be something that gives you the sense of being free and unique. We all have to return to our roles and do justice to them but if one is burdened by them and external expectations it just piles on. Give yourself time and enjoy it.

One thing I would like to work on myself would be acting timely. I have missed a lot of opportunities in my life because I was too afraid to take the step. I was too afraid to speak. I was hesitant. I was unsure. I have come a long way from the kid who couldn't speak at all in class to running platforms like Sukhan سخن. But in all honesty, I still suffer. From making a simple call to at times taking a stand. I have worked on it and I hope to continue working on that. Basically when in doubt, act.

Also, keep working on your growth let it be personal or professional. Working hard to come to terms with the fact that it's never too late to start or learn a new skill. Just start. You`ll never regret investing in a new skill, book or course.

These were some of the learnings, experiences, and observations from this year. I plan to continue working on these to make myself a better version of myself. For next year, I hope to get more time on earth with the people I love and adore. I hope to be someone who can be more empathic and productive toward people around me. I hope to take better care of my health and I hope we all can appreciate the little time we have given here on this planet and make the most of it.

Until next year.



Hammad Anwar

Founder @Sukhan سخن | passionate about telling stories that are changing narratives | digital comm consultant. | content creator | sports enthusiast | writer